Tag Archives: #loveafterdivorce

My date with Brian


Well, I had my date with Brian last night. I thought it went well, but I didn’t feel a spark with him. I think there is a possibility of friendship, but that would probably be about it.

It began when we met at my local Corner Bakery Café. He saw me standing by the front door, approached me, said hello, and that was it. No handshake, no hug, no nothing!

Once inside, I asked him if he’d ever been to this place. He said he hadn’t, but he’s been to someplace similar. I went up to the cashier, placed my order, then turned around to see if he was ready to place his. Brian was still looking up at the menu board, with his hands in his pockets. “You ready?” I asked.

“No, I’m still deciding. You get yours and I’ll meet you over there (pointing to the tables outside),” he says.

We went Dutch for dinner. Guess I shouldn’t have assumed he’d pay for dinner.  Normally, that’s what a gentleman does. But, you know when you “assume”…it makes an ass out of you and me!

We decided to sit outside since the weather was nice. We talked quite a bit, and he seemed very interested in what I do for a living. We talked about our families, our backgrounds, etc. He’s very close with his adult daughters. Almost to the point where he can’t stand being away from them. He told me a number of times that his family is number one in his life.

The other thing I noticed was how he seemed a little depressed. He would smile if I said something funny, then immediately wipe his forehead and be back to his somber self. He kept putting himself down, saying that his family wasn’t very educated, which meant that he wasn’t very smart, he had fallen into the wrong crowd growing up, and that his now deceased wife was the one who “straightened” him out.

I tried to switch up the conversation. I wanted to make it light, fun, and not so serious all the time. I even made him laugh a few times. But not once did he make me laugh. For me, laughter is the ultimate attraction. I can overlook certain qualities if a man’s sense of humor is the main attraction. I sensed that Brian doesn’t have much of a playful side. If he does, I didn’t see it! He kept asking me about my job, wanting to know if I’ve met any celebrities and what are they like. I said I have, but I don’t like to talk about them. I know it’s interesting to people who aren’t in the business that I am, but until I know and trust you, I’m just not going to go there.

Other than Brian NOT making me laugh, he never gave me a sign that he was interested in me. There was NO touching or body language to show me that he was even remotely interested.

At one point, I needed to use the ladies room. When I came back, I asked if he wanted to walk around. “Sure,” he says. We stopped into a frozen yogurt shop and tasted a bunch of the flavors. I joked around and told him that the mint one tasted like my toothpaste!   He laughed but didn’t come back with anything. I decided to get some toothpaste flavored (mint) fro-yo, and went to the register. He followed right after me. Again, he didn’t even offer to pay. I paid for my own.

We walked back to where the outdoor tables and chairs were, ate our frozen yogurt and talked some more. I started to get cold and figured this was a good way to end our date. Brian said that he really enjoyed meeting me, and then we walked together to the parking structure. Once there, we realized our cars were parked at opposite ends. I told him thanks for coming out to my neighborhood, and he said, “Yeah, it was really fun.” With his hands in his pockets, he turned and walked away.

No hug, no handshake, no nothing! He almost looked like he couldn’t get out of there fast enough. I’ve replayed last night in my head, and I really couldn’t tell if he was remotely attracted to me. But that’s ok, even though he was average looking, I wasn’t physically attracted to him. Sometimes, it’s ok to just be friends.

Time will tell if I ever hear from him again.

Never settle!


I have been following the most amazing  blog called “The Single Woman” (Thesinglewoman.net).  Whenever I need things put into perspective, her wisdom seems to pop up at just the right time.  Reading this a few moments ago made me cry, and I felt compelled to share it with you all.

“The Single Woman Says:

It can be really, really easy to be tempted to settle once you hit a certain age and the pickings start to look slimmer than ever. As single women, the news shows are constantly shouting warnings at us: “You’re past your child-bearing years!” and “You’d be more likely to be hit by a meteor than to find love past the age of 30” and my personal favorite, “Maybe you should stop waiting for Mr. Right and just settle for Mr. Good Enough” – all of which make a strong case for settling. But the problem with settling is this: We weren’t called to do it. In any area of our lives. God calls us to live spectacular, outstanding, powerful, victorious lives! Anything less is not a testament to His presence in and His impact on our lives. If everything we do is for the glory of God…wouldn’t it stand to reason that He would want us to live glorious lives? Part of living a glorious life is finding a glorious life partner. And part of trusting God is trusting that He has that partner already picked out for you.

There’s an interpretation of 2 Corinthians 5:5 that says this: “He puts a little of heaven in our hearts so that we’ll never settle for less.” (The Message) I like to think that God plants little reminders all around us of what it means to live an abundant life that He brings to our attention right at the moment that we’re most tempted to settle. In all honesty, and keeping it 100%, I’ll admit that over the past year or so, I had really started to wonder if all the good guys were truly gone. The exhaustion of disappointing first dates and guys with girlfriends trying repeatedly (and fruitlessly) to hit on me and looking around and seeing friends settling all around me was really getting to me. And just like He always does, God found His own unique way to remind me that all is not lost, that defeat and despair is not the end of the story, and that there very much ARE still some amazing men out there. And whether I marry one someday or stay single for the rest of my life, I am just grateful to God for putting that little bit of heaven in my heart to inspire me to hope for and believe for and reach for more.

It’s tempting to lose heart on this crazy journey of single life…believe me, I know that…but I want to encourage you today to keep the faith. Remember, Happily Ever After tends to take place on the last page. And when you hand God the pen to your life, He will write an infinitely more beautiful story than you could ever ask for or imagine.”


Just when I want to give up hope, I read something like this and I realize I can’t give up on my hope for love and finding my soul mate. Thanks to The Single Woman once again!

Just ONE date…is that so much to ask?


Nothing….nada….zilch!  Not even an inkling in someone’s eye, that I may get asked out.

I’m still off the dating sites.  I think they truly SUCK here in Los Angeles (aka…the land of the pretty).  Here I am, this fantastic woman, with great friends, two great kids, a huge heart, ready and willing to spend some time with a nice guy…and I can’t get any takers.  Notice I did NOT say the words: commitment, marriage, relationship?

I haven’t been messing around with any losers (actually haven’t had sex in 7 months), and I’m keeping myself open to possibilities of meeting new people.  Trying to do it “the right way”.

I would just like to go out on a date this year.  Why is it so difficult?